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  • Hans

    2025-01-05 at 17:34

    Hi Malcom,

    If you press twice, you turn on the wifi for the set period. The green LED will then flash.
    In your video you can see that a protect video is being saved. You have pressed the button twice in a
    short time, but I suspect that one of the two times the button was not pressed properly. That is why
    this is registered as a protect video.

    If all else fails, you may also be able to perform a reset.
    Turn on the K6.
    Hold the power button down for a long time (about 30 seconds).
    The red LED flashes twice and then goes out again.
    Restart the K6, K6 has been reset to factory settings.

    Another possibility is that the power supply cannot supply enough power. If this is the case, the wifi will also cause problems. My experience is that with a power supply that is too ‘weak’, the wifi is the first to be switched off.
    How do you power your K6?