Forums Forums K7 Dashcam Can’t see any videos/photos on my K7 networked iPhone. Reply To: Can’t see any videos/photos on my K7 networked iPhone.

  • peteoz

    2025-01-06 at 03:06

    If that latest firmware release has been removed by INNOV, I am now concerned there may be issues with it, Hans. Hopefully not.

    As per the update instructions, the first two steps are what will catch many out. I agree that if you have a PC, this step should be easy. However, I, like many others, now use only an iPad as my “computer”. You can not format a card to FAT32 on an iPad, even if you have a third party card reader. I had to dig out a very old PC (luckily I still had one), which, as it turned out, had a faulty card reader in it. Also not everyone has a 32Gb memory card lying around.

    A firmware update should not be this hard. This is where INNOV need to bring their update process to a more flexible level that all customers can use with ease. After all, INNOVV is not a cheap, knockoff product.
