Forums Forums K3 Dashcam Fast replaying video

  • Fast replaying video

    Posted by ahvengeance on 2024-07-10 at 10:15

    Recently, my K3 started putting out videos that are fast forward speed. There is no sound. The unit has been hook up the same way from the start. I’ve always used it at the race track. I coach motorcycle riding and need good quality video to be able to show my students what they are doing. Does anyone know what is going on here?

    Hans replied 5 months ago 2 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • Hans

    2024-07-10 at 23:31

    Hi Marquis,
    Check in the app whether Time-lapse video is set to off.

    • ahvengeance

      2024-07-11 at 01:49

      I’ll double check. I believe I checked before. But, there is no skipped frames in the video to suggest that it’s on a time lapse.

  • Hans

    2024-07-11 at 20:30

    I think the K3’s Timelapse works a little differently. No frames are skipped but the frame rate is reduced. This creates a video recording that appears to play faster when played back at a normal frame rate.

    Do you play the videos in the app or on the computer with, for example, VLC player? Does the problem occur both in the app and on the computer?

    • ahvengeance

      2024-07-12 at 03:32

      Ok. I didn’t know there was an option to play it back using the app. I alway download it to my computer. I am using a MAC — if that make a difference. Thanks for your help.

      • Hans

        2024-07-12 at 21:56

        You can watch videos directly from the K3 in the app. You must have an active WiFi connection with the K3. You can also download the videos to your phone first. You can then play them (later) from your phone in the app. But the fastest way to watch the videos is still to insert the SD card into your computer and then watch the videos.

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