Mounting the INNOVV H5
Hello to all the INNOVV Lovers and Users, the point is I have seen glue plates fail due to the heat we have here in Australia, where we now rely on a glue plate to hold a H5 on to a helmet which it does quiet well after you follow the instructions.
As I mentioned earlier, I have seen a glue plate fail during last summer for a bike intercom system, (the reason it was not lost was the wiring) whereas my other helmet uses a bracket that fits on the outside of the helmet and slid up between the liner and the helmet sell so you have no issue of it coming off.
My thought if INNOVV could make a mounting system that mounted that was attached to your helmet similar to some of the helmet intercom systems that would alleviate any fear of the H5 mount melting off.
I am aware of the different helmet sizes could be issue but the only change would be no glue plate with the mounting point secured on your helmet using the same gimbal for the H5.
This just food for thought
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