Forums Forums K7 Dashcam Remote Control Functions

  • Remote Control Functions

    Posted by buckeedyit on 2024-10-13 at 05:27

    I have just installed the K7 on my bike. Can anyone explain the functions available through the remote control. Thanks

    Alexander replied 2 months, 1 week ago 4 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • Bob

    2024-10-13 at 08:33

    What are you calling “the remote control”?

  • Hans

    2024-10-13 at 15:00

    Hi Stephen,
    Have you read the manual? It describes the possibilities of remote control.

    • Alexander

      2024-12-02 at 04:48

      Manual is very bad!

      “1. Saving current video by pressing the button for once” What does it mean?

      If i not pressing button, video not saving?

      In table, cell: “Accident video, protected video…..specific conditions” Cam and Wi-Fi LEDs they will blink at the same time? I don’t understand!

      For Cam LED: cell “protected video” What does it mean? Protected from remove? From whom? Or…?

      • This reply was modified 2 months, 1 week ago by  Alexander.
      • Hans

        2024-12-02 at 15:28

        Hi Alexander,
        “1. Saving current video by pressing the button for once”

        This means that the recording is not overwritten when the SD card is full and the oldest recordings are overwritten by new recordings. This is based on FIFO (first-in-firest-out). The recording in question then gets the status ‘protected’.

        The video recording is started by default when the K7 is started.

        If a video is saved as an accident video, protected video or parking video, the flashing of both LEDs indicates this.

        • Alexander

          2024-12-02 at 18:18

          Can be more rightful to write: “1. Protect current video from remove (erasing…) by pressing…”

          Change the manual!

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