Forums Forums K7 Dashcam Sound not playing when watching video on iPhone?

  • Sound not playing when watching video on iPhone?

    Posted by Bob on 2024-07-25 at 22:09

    Yet it is there in the downloaded file. Wondering what I am doing wrong.

    Anyone else get no sound?

    Hans replied 2 months, 3 weeks ago 2 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • Hans

    2024-07-26 at 14:58

    Hi Bob,
    If the audio is present I expect the problem is with your iPhone. Could it be that your iPhone does not have the right codec for the audio?
    Try playing the video with VLC media player.

  • Bob

    2024-08-12 at 03:01

    Ummm, so, I wear hearing aids, but they are in my pocket while riding because the helmet knocks them off. Since I check videos as soon as I stop the bike, the sound went straight to my pocket.


    • Hans

      2024-08-12 at 23:13

      Problem solved, and that’s the most important thing

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