Forums Forums ThirdEYE System Warning lights constant quick flash.

  • Warning lights constant quick flash.

    Posted by roly on 2024-10-04 at 23:19

    I did the installation on a 2018 R1200RT using a hot-with-key-on circuit for power, and ground direct to battery. The detector is mounted to the license plate bracket and is the hindmost part on the bike.

    The unit goes through the boot up light flashing sequence when the key is turned on, but most of the time the mirror mounted lights start quick flashing and remain flashing until the key is turned off. About 1 time in 5 the unit performs flawlessly; it works exactly as designed and will remain working properly until the key is turned off. Then if the key is turned on again the unit goes back to quick flashing both lights. There seems to be no reason I can discover for the problem. It doesn’t matter whether there is open space behind me or not. Sometimes if the unit is fast flashing and i shut it off it will begin to work properly. Hmmmm.

    Hans replied 4 months, 1 week ago 2 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Hans

    2024-10-05 at 00:06

    Hi Roland,
    I suspect it is a voltage problem. Can you measure the supply voltage at the point where you have now connected the red wire? And can you connect the positive connection directly to the battery and then see what happens?

    • roly

      2024-10-05 at 04:08

      I will give that a try and post the result. I have a VOM and will test for V with no load and under load. I’ll use the same ground currently used.

      (Just got back from a 12 mile trip. The system worked perfectly all the way there. When I restarted the bike, the flashing returned for the entire trip home. BTW I have a 220A CCA, 16Ah. Gel Cell Battery. It’s 2 months old. Same problem before and after the new battery which I swapped only because the original was 6 years old, and I make a lot of long trips. I suspect the flash rate is approximately 240-300 flashes per minute each.)

  • roly

    2024-10-05 at 05:55

    Thank you, Hans. It’s a BINGO! I had battery voltage INTO a quick disconnect fitting I had in the INNOVV circuit, but only 8.3V OUT of it. Wiggled the connection and I had battery voltage both sides. I found that the wire to metal crimp inside the connection was bad. I replaced the connection and now the Third Eye works like a charm.

  • Hans

    2024-10-05 at 14:58

    Hi Roland,
    I’m glad the problem is solved. Thanks for the feedback.
    Have fun with your ThirdEye.

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