Forums Forums K3 Dashcam WiFi on K3 disabled

  • WiFi on K3 disabled

    Posted by pete on 2024-08-25 at 09:46


    I have somehow disabled the Wi-Fi function in the INNOV K3 as it is not transmitting (the Wi-Fi indicator is not illuminated either) and therefore cannot be connected to.

    I have tried holding the button for greater than 30 seconds to do a factory reset, however the Wi-Fi is not appearing in the Android OR windows Wi-Fi and the Wi-Fi light on the K3 is not illuminated.

    How can I get the K3 to start up the Wi-Fi?

    Any advice is always appreciated.

    subidubi replied 3 months, 1 week ago 3 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • Hans

    2024-08-25 at 16:31

    Hi Peter,
    Normally the shortest wifi time should be 1 minute.
    What if you reinstall the firmware? Then you know for sure that all settings are back to factory settings.
    Are video recordings still being made, check this by inserting the SD card into your computer. If no recordings are made from either camera, then there is more going on.
    Are the other LEDs on the remote control lit?
    You also turned on the ignition of the motorcycle when you want to turn on the wifi connection? And you don’t have a voltage problem, your motorcycle. Too low a supply voltage can sometimes also cause strange problems.

  • pete

    2024-08-26 at 18:56

    Thank you Hans

    The reload of the firmware has fixed the issue.


  • Hans

    2024-08-27 at 00:30

    Hi Peter,
    Thanks for the feedback.
    I’m glad you managed to solve the problem.
    Have fun with your K3.

    • subidubi

      2024-09-03 at 10:41

      Hi Hans can you teach me to re-install K2 firmware?

      • subidubi

        2024-09-03 at 10:44

        I found the information below url

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