Hi Michael,
late reply, as I was out or order for some weeks due to a surgery.
For the K2 I did a modified firmware which connected to my home wifi. And as the K3 and K2 share the same base hard- and firmware, this should be possible at the K3, too. But it was more a proof-of-concept than a good running solution. The SSID and password needed to be hardcoded into the firmware. Additionally, the firmware does not allow long and/or complex passwords, which means your home wifi needs to use an easy short password. Not recommendable. And finally, the modified firmware will not allow the use of the Innovv app anymore, as it is not possible to switch back to AP Mode. For reasons I don’t know it did not work to switch from Station Mode to AP Mode with the modified firmware. The AP did not accept any clients then. Of course one could re-install the original firmware to get everything back working.
If you are able to suffer, you can try your luck by temporarily switching the K3 to station mode. At the K2 it was possible to use some http commands to temporarily switch it to station mode. These settings are not saved, so at next reboot it switches back to AP Mode. But I never tested this on the K3.
Set SSID and Password:
Set Wifi to Station Mode
Restart Wifi
This reply was modified 3 months, 3 weeks ago by Frostie.
This reply was modified 3 months, 3 weeks ago by Frostie.
This reply was modified 3 months, 3 weeks ago by Frostie.